Cake ingredients
1 package of Chocolate Cake Mix KING MIX
3 eggs
150mL cold water
2 tbsp oil (20mL)
– Preheat the oven to medium heat (180˚C – 356˚F) for 10 minutes.
– Add the cake mix KING MIX, the eggs, oil and cold water to a mixing bowl and mix for 5 minutes.
– Place the batter into a greased pan and bake in a preheated oven according to the indicated time (depends on the size and shape of the tray).
Filling ingredients:
-500mL coconut milk
-2 tbsp sugar
-100g shredded coconut
-Mix the sugar with 500mL of coconut milk.
-Bring to boil, mixing well.
-Let it cool into the refrigerator.
-Add the shredded coconut.
-Cut the cake layer in half.
-Fill the cake.
Topping Ingredients
-20g cocoa 50%
-5 dessertspoon of oil
-70mL lactose free milk
-70g sugar
-Add all the ingredients to a pan and bring to boil, mixing well.
-Cover the cake with the topping.
– Sprinkle the coconut on top.